
About Me
Take Control of Your Dental Health

Hello and welcome, dear readers! If you haven't been to the dentist for quite some time, you may be feeling pretty nervous about your next appointment. Do not panic! This blog has been created in the hope that it will provide you with everything you need to know about making a visit to the dentist clinic. We will explore the different treatments available to you, the steps you can take to protect your teeth and gums, and some top tips which will make your appointment straight forward and hassle-free. Make sure that you check back soon for more updates. Thanks!


How Often Should You Visit a Dentist?

11 February 2020
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Despite oral health being a vital part of overall health, more than 2 million Australians choose not to visit the dentist for checkup or treatment. This is primarily attributed to the rising cost of health care. The situation is so severe that public dentists have waiting lines that range from 20 months to 3 years. While some can live for years and even decades without ever visiting a dentist, it's not always a wise option. Read More …

Some Benefits of Dental Implants

11 February 2020
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Some people are put off by the idea of having dental implants fitted into their mouth because it involves a surgical procedure. When implants are fitted, they will be drilled into the jawbone of the patient, which means that a general anaesthetic will be required. However, once dental implants are in place, they will last a lifetime. Therefore, you will be able to attach false teeth much more reliably if you opt for them rather than conventional dentures. Read More …

Never Had Anesthetic at the Dentist Before? Here’s What You Can Expect

11 February 2020
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Some procedures at your local general dentistry clinic require your dentist to inject anesthetic directly into your gums with a syringe. If this has never been necessary for you before, the very idea might make you uncomfortable. But just imagine how uncomfortable you would be without the anesthetic. If you've never had to have such an injection prior to dental work, what can you expect? The Initial Injection There is obviously going to be some discomfort as the needle pierces your gums. Read More …

How to Decide If Invisible Aligners Are Right for You

10 February 2020
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Invisible dental aligners, such as Invisalign braces, are becoming increasingly popular with many dental patients. There is an abundance of information available about this type of oral care and treatment. The information that may not be available is how you can decide if this option is right for you. Here are a few ways that may be able to help you make that final choice. Visual Options One way that many people choose an item, especially a cosmetic option, is to see it first. Read More …

Why Dentures Get Damaged

7 February 2020
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

It's believed that eating hard and crunchy foods will damage your dentures, but this is not necessarily true. In fact, a big reason why dentures break is that they don't fit properly. Regular maintenance and denture repair will ensure that the dentures stay strong and last longer. Other causes of breaks are as follows: i. Change in facial structure Your facial structure is constantly changing, which affects the proper fitting of dentures. Read More …