5 Tips for Cleaning Dental Implants

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5 Tips for Cleaning Dental Implants

17 January 2020
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Like organic teeth, dental implants require regular cleaning to keep them in good condition. Dentists recommend brushing your dental implants every day to prevent gum disease and infections. Here are some tips that can help you make the most of your daily cleaning session.

1. Use a Soft Toothbrush

Dental implants are not sensitive like natural teeth, but they are still vulnerable to scratching or wearing away if you use a toothbrush that is too abrasive. Choose a soft manual brush with nylon bristles, or use an electric toothbrush with a soft brush head. Some electric toothbrushes feature a pressure sensor to let you know if you are brushing too hard, which can be very useful for people who are still getting used to dental implants.

2. Avoid Abrasive Toothpaste

The best cleaning product for your dental implants is regular toothpaste. Avoid toothpastes that contain abrasive materials, such as baking soda, and do not use any other cleaning products in your mouth. By using a standard toothpaste with the Australian Dental Association Seal of Approval logo, you can be sure that your dental implants are getting the cleaning power they need without excessive abrasion.

3. Floss Every Day

Plaque can accumulate around dental implants just like it does around natural teeth. Flossing is the best way to remove this plaque from the spaces that your toothbrush bristles cannot easily reach. Most people with dental implants can use string floss, which is the cheapest option for interdental cleaning, but if you struggle with dexterity in your hands you might find it easier to use a floss pick or floss threader.

4. Supplement with Water Flossing

For people who are vulnerable to gum disease, simply brushing and flossing every day might not be a rigorous enough hygiene routine. Water flossing is an extra step you can take to remove plaque from around your implants and keep your gums healthy. Not all water flossers are suitable for use with dental implants, so be sure to check with the manufacturer or your dentist before you incorporate one into your oral hygiene routine.

5. Use a Gum Stimulator

Gum stimulators are rubber-tipped attachments for electric toothbrushes that promote blood flow to the gums. Using a gum stimulator every day can help to strengthen gum tissue and encourage the integration of dental implants into your gums and jaw. Ask your dentist whether you could benefit from using a gum stimulator to promote gum health.

For more information about dental implants, contact a local dentist.