Three Problems With Veneers And How To Avoid Them

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Three Problems With Veneers And How To Avoid Them

4 February 2020
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

When it comes to non-invasive, time-friendly ways to make changes to the appearance of your teeth, you cannot overlook porcelain veneers. If you are someone who is interested in getting these fitted, it is important you know both the positives and the negatives associated with this process. Here are three common problems that can occur when veneers are fitted, and three easy ways to avoid the problems from happening.

Colour Matching

One of the most noticeable problems with veneers is when they don't match the colour of your natural teeth. Obviously, your dentist prepares a veneer to match the hue of the surrounding teeth; however, if you whiten your teeth in the future, the veneer cannot change colour and so will no longer match. The simplest way to avoid this problem is to have your teeth whitened before the veneer is made and coloured. That way, your newly whitened teeth and the veneer will be a perfect match now and in the future.

Not Repairable

It is very important that you are honest with your dentist about any previous dental issues if they are not aware of your history. Of particular concern is if you are predisposed to grinding your teeth at any time. A veneer can crack or chip when placed under intense pressure, such as when teeth are ground together. Veneers must be replaced once they crack or chip because they are not repairable. Therefore, being honest with the dentist prevents veneers being fitted in a mouth which is not suited to them.

Tooth Sensitivity

Some people who wear veneers experience increased tooth sensitivity after a veneer is fitted. In the majority of cases, this sensitivity to hot and cold foods and liquids is temporary. It occurs because the front enamel of the tooth is thinned to allow the veneer to sit flush against the tooth. This enamel-thinning process may expose nerve endings, which then leads to increased sensitivity. This process cannot be avoided, but it does not happen to all veneer wearers. One way to manage it is to use sensitive toothpaste to help minimise discomfort. If the sensitivity lasts longer than two weeks, then it is recommended you make a follow-up appointment with your dentist to discuss treatment options.

Veneer problems are minor and easily overcome when you know in advance what to expect. Therefore, now that you are armed with this information, it is time to make an appointment with your dentist to potentially get veneers.