3 reasons why you should undergo periodontal treatment for gum issues

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3 reasons why you should undergo periodontal treatment for gum issues

17 January 2020
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Most people know that healthy gums are critical to proper oral health. And yet, few consider the health of their gums on a regular basis. As the tissue primarily responsible for holding your teeth in place, your gums need to be protected from infection and the accumulation of plaque.

Plaque is a clear film of bacteria that arises from what you eat. The salts and sugars in your diet give rise to plaque, which can eventually harden and form tartar. Tartar eventually causes your teeth to detach from the gum tissue. The good news is that periodontal treatment is an effective way of treating gum infections and keeping your teeth healthy. Here are 3 reasons why you should incorporate periodontics into your oral health routine.

Strengthen your teeth and the gum tissue

Similarly to many other parts of your body, your gums need regular care to remain healthy. Ignoring the gum tissue causes your teeth to become loose and eventually fall off (due to tartar). The periodontal treatment strengthens the gums in many different ways. For example, scaling and root planing involves a dentist scraping your gums to remove any tartar that may have accumulated.

Patients often think that this procedure is only suitable for advanced cases of gum disease. On the contrary, regular scaling and planing allow dentists to remove tartar that may accumulate at the base of your teeth. Furthermore, 3D images can be used to make the treatment more targeted to specific areas (such as the back teeth that are heavily involved in chewing).

Reduce or stop bleeding

Bleeding and swollen gums are the most common sign of periodontal disease. When the gum tissue is infected, you may experience inflammation, tenderness and pain. Such infections may also enter your bloodstream and affect other areas of your body. This is why periodontal treatment is critical if you have bleeding gums. For example, antibiotic treatment can be used to remove bacteria and help your gums recover.

Antibiotics can be administered to the gums in many different ways. From mouthwashes to targeted applications by a dentist, the goal is to eliminate infection, inflammation and tartar from your gumline.

Address perennial bad breath

Did you know that a common reason why you may experience bad breath is because of gum infection? When plaque accumulates inside your mouth, the bacteria break down sugars and other components in your diet. This may end up releasing foul odours and making your breath smell bad.

Periodontal treatment may involve a combination of procedures such as pocket reduction surgery (to reduce gaps in the gum) and laser treatment to remove dead and decaying cells.

To learn more, contact a dentist.